Φωνές βαθιά


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Φωνές βαθιά又名Voices in Deep

Voices in Deep tells the story of a tragedy at sea which connects the lives of Bobby (Sims), an Australian humanitarian, and two orphaned refugees, Tarek (Hilane) and Zaeed (Karaveras), as they fight for survival in present-day Athens. Bobby compulsively exposes herself to strangers in order to dull the tragic memories made at sea, but a chance encounter with Gloria (Papoulia) ...

发布于2023年。由贾森·拉夫托波洛斯执导,并且由编剧贾森·拉夫托波洛斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位昂格利基·帕普利亚、Hannah Sims、Christos Karavevas、Michael Hilane等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2023-08(墨尔本电影节),2023-11-09(塞萨洛尼基电影节)公映的电影。


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