Till My Heartaches End


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Kim Chiu / Gerald Anderson
  • 地区: 菲律宾
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Till My Heartaches End

Paolo “Powie” Barredo (Gerald Anderson) is out to prove to the world that he is not just a son out of wedlock, but that he can succeed in life independently. Though he started out roughly, he soon picked up pace and climbed the ladder of success. But as things started falling into place, other important things in his life had to take a backseat as he experienced the thrill of f...

发布于2010年。由Jose Javier Reyes执导,集众多位Kim Chiu、Gerald Anderson等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2010-10-27(菲律宾)公映的电影。


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Till My Heartaches End评价

  • 其实没仔细看,就是想听听菲律宾话。女主角很漂亮
