The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England


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The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England

Melvyn Bragg explores the dramatic story of William Tyndale and his mission to translate the Bible into English. Melvyn reveals the story of a man whose life and legacy have been hidden from history but whose impact on Christianity in Britain and on the English language endures today. His radical translation of the Bible into English made him a profound threat to the authority ...

发布于2013年。由Anna Cox执导,并且由编剧梅尔文·布莱格携幕后团队创作。集众多位梅尔文·布莱格等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-06-06公映的电影。


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The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England评价

  • 廷代尔译经伟业大则大矣,在英语遣词造句上的造诣亦不逊色莎翁,可谓功在千秋。能看到宿敌莫尔先己一步走上断头台,廷代尔可以死而瞑目了。
