Lucas and Albert


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Lucas and Albert

Two aging hit-men are sent to clean up a bank robbery gone wrong some twenty years ago. Having always worked alone, they have been chosen by the infamous Mr. Mac to clean up the mess and get rid of any loose ends.

发布于2019年。由Darren S. Cook执导,并且由编剧罗伯特·普特、AG. Longhurst携幕后团队创作。集众多位John Altman、西德尼·基恩、迈克尔麦凯尔、罗伯特·普特、AG. Longhurst、James Osborne、Jordan Abrams、Lorraine Box、Lorraine Carey、Cassandra French、Johnathan Green等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-09-29(英国)公映的电影。


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