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Arnold is a clever student who has won many academic awards. One day, he meets Bee who has an underground business of helping students to cheat their exams. Bee asks Arnold to join his cheating ring and offers him a lot of money. While Arnold is considering working with Bee, at his school, many students are not happy with the school’s disrespect of their ******* and they organi...

正在播放:模范生阿诺德第07集 。 更新于12-22 03:32,播放来源于云播tk。





模范生阿诺德第07集在线观看。 更新于12-22 03:32,播放来源于云播tk。


剧情介绍:第07集-Arnold is a clever student who has won many academic awards. One day, he meets Bee who has an underground business of helping students to cheat their exams. Bee asks Arnold to join his cheating ring and offers him a lot of money. While Arnold is considering working with Bee, at his school, many students are not happy with the school’s disrespect of their ******* and they organi...——新小兵播放提供。